CES Sessions
All sessions are offered at no cost.
The A-B-C’s of PSB’s: Sexual behaviours and school-age children
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Katarina Zunjic, MSW, RSW & Peter Laycock, MSc., R. Psych
Child Abuse Service, Alberta Health Services
This presentation will support various caregivers and professionals with further understanding problematic sexual behaviours in children aged 7-11. Topics of discussion will include: understanding sexual behaviours in children, factors contributing to problematic sexual behaviour, and strategies to support children who engage in more concerning or problematic sexual behaviours.
Navigating Technology with our Youth ***please register using the poster only***
Noon - 1:30 PM
Presented by: Andrea Halwas Larsen, in partnership with Juno House
In this 1.5 hour presentation, we will discuss the role of technology and today’s youth. The message of this presentation is not only based on technology, but also about a child’s healthy brain development and the necessary parenting/caregiver role in creating healthy, emotional, regulated, and integrated brains. This presentation will address the underpinning of a child’s emotional brain development and how to grow it, as well as how technology can dangerously hijack this.
We believe that talking does not grow neurons; experience grows neurons. This workshop is designed to give attendees the skills to become their child’s emotional coach. The workshop will provide participants with:
• An understanding of the basic neuroscience behind healthy brain development,
• The dangers of technology for healthy brain development,
• Technology use rules that will help your child
• When building healthy brains, how to identify emotions in your child/student, and
• How to become your child’s/student’s emotional coach in only five steps and in that, build a resilient child.
The presentation is facilitated by a therapist from Juno House who has years of both clinical and facilitating experience. Juno House was founded in 2008 as a Centre of Excellence for adolescent girls and young women who are experiencing anxiety-based mental health issues of self harm, obsessive compulsive disorders, depression and eating disorders.
Helping Youth Manage Emotions ***please register using the poster only***
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Presenters: Felipe Triana, MC, Healthy Relationships Therapist & Adriana Cordero, Healthy Relationships Therapist, CCC, FearIsNotLove
This presentation focuses on the role emotions play in our daily lives with special consideration for how emotions show up during adolescence.
Topics covered are:
• What are emotions and why are they important
• Emotions during adolescence
• How parents can help
Help! My Child is Struggling How to Navigate Children’s Mental Health in Calgary and Surrounding Areas ***please register using the poster only***
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Presented by: Elise Valeriote MSW, RSW, Access Mental Health, Alberta Health Services
This presentation will discuss:
• Early warning signs your child and or adolescent may be struggling with their mental health and when to seek help.
• Common questions parents have about accessing mental health and addiction supports for their child.
• Access Mental Health and their centralized intake to AHS programs. What to expect when calling for help and how to access services.
• Different programs Access Mental Health can refer to and the most common community resources parents can find helpful.