CES Sessions
All sessions are offered at no cost.

Presentations are being broadcast using the ZOOM platform. Connect via your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
01 Apr 2025

Help! My Child is Struggling How to Navigate Children’s Mental Health in Calgary and Surrounding Areas ***please register using the poster only***

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Presented by: Elise Valeriote MSW, RSW, Access Mental Health, Alberta Health Services

This presentation will discuss:

• Early warning signs your child and or adolescent may be struggling with their mental health and when to seek help.
• Common questions parents have about accessing mental health and addiction supports for their child.
• Access Mental Health and their centralized intake to AHS and Recovery Alberta programs. What to expect when calling for help and how to access services.
• Different programs Access Mental Health can refer to and the most common community resources parents can find helpful.


02 Apr 2025

Navigating the Pressure to Perform: Exploring the Benefits of Well-being Centered Identity Development for Children and Teens ***please register using the poster only***

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Shelbi Snodgrass | MC, RCC, CCC, CMPC | Registered Clinical Counsellor | Snodgrass & Duff Performance Consulting and Counselling Inc.

The pressure to perform is increasingly impacting children and teen’s ability to cope and negatively impacts their confidence and sense of self. From navigating school pressures, after school curricular activities, and an ever-evolving political climate, the need for well-being focused values is more critical than ever.

In this workshop, you will explore the multidimensional facets of pressure children and teens face to perform and the profound impacts on friendships, goals for the future, and coping skills. By attending this workshop, you will gain a deeper understanding of the dimensions of well-being and skills to engage in critical self-reflection around environments, language, and behaviours that influence identity development. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of the importance of safe and accountable environments that contribute to healthy identity development.

Learning Objectives
• Understanding the pressure to perform influencing children and teens
• Identify vulnerabilities to and indicators of low confidence and self-esteem
• Reflect on the language, behaviours, and environments that help or hinder healthy identify development
• Explore and Identify dimensions of well-being and their benefits to identify development and confidence across different
environments and contexts


03 Apr 2025

IN-PERSON Event - How Do We Figure Out What Consequences To Use? ***please register using the poster only***

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Please note this is an IN-PERSON event at:

Riverside School (K-9) 107 6a St NE, Calgary, AB T2E 7W8 (Free Parking Available)

Presenter: Julie Freedman Smith BSc, BA, Owner JFS Parent Education

Julie will share:

• What works and what doesn’t when it comes to consequences.
• Language that helps kids understand how to make positive choices.
• How to parent when too many consequences feel exhausting.
• Content will focus on children & youth 5-15 years of age.


07 Apr 2025

Parent Guilt ***please register using the poster only***

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Presenter: Vanessa Siso MC, R. Psych, Primary Care Registered Psychologist, CWCPCN

This presentation will provide the following:

• Define the experience of parent guilt according to research.
• Understand the risk and protective factors that influence the experience of parent guilt according to research
• Learn practical strategies to help address parent guilt.


09 Apr 2025

Vaping & Youth ***please register using the poster only***

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Presented by the Community Health Promotion Services Team, Recovery Alberta.

Vaping among youth is on the rise across Canada, raising concerns for parents, educators, and communities. This session will explore the most commonly used vaping devices, the substances involved—such as nicotine and cannabis—and the potential health risks associated with e-cigarette use. We’ll also discuss practical strategies for engaging in open and effective conversations with young people about vaping. Join us to gain the knowledge and tools needed to support informed decision-making and promote healthier choices among youth.


10 Apr 2025

Headache in kids and teens: causes, treatment approach, and the relationship to mental health ***please register using the poster only***

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Presented by: Serena L. Orr, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Pediatric neurologist & headache specialist, Alberta Children's Hospital
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Calgary
Principal investigator, Pediatric Headache Research Lab (PeHRL: https://www.pehrl.ca/)


1. Review types of headaches in youth and how common they are
2. Review how we approach treating headaches in youth
3. Review the relationship between headaches in youth and mental health


10 Apr 2025

Navigating Suicide Prevention: Understanding Risk, Building Resilience, and Fostering Community Support ***please register using the poster only***

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Presented by:
Sondous Husien, MSW, RSW
Crisis Counsellor | Eastside Community Mental Health Services | Wood’s Homes
Jasmeen Gill, BSW Practicum Student

This presentation delves into the critical aspects of suicide, including the assessment of suicide risk with children and youth, commonly held beliefs about suicide, and the impact of trauma and stress on mental health. The discussion extends to proactive suicide prevention measures, emphasizing the development of safety plans and the cultivation of resilience. Additionally, the presentation highlights the significance of community support in creating a holistic approach to addressing and preventing suicide.


15 Apr 2025

Understanding Social Media Use in Teens ***please register using the poster only***

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Presenters: Ashley Meagher, Certified Child and Youth Care Counsellor, Success Coach & Jo Burley BCST, NPML, Success Coach, Rockyview School Division, MHCB Stepping Stones to Mental Health

The world of social media is constantly changing, and it can be hard to keep up. This session will look at some of the most popular platforms among Canadian youth and how to protect privacy and keep everyone safe. We will also discuss the effects of social media use on teen mental health and how to promote healthy social media habits in a digital world.


16 Apr 2025

Developing Parenting Plans After Separation ***please register using the poster only***

Noon - 1:30 PM

Presented by: John-Paul E. Boyd, KC (he/him)
Arbitrator, Mediator & Parenting Coordinator
Member of the Law Societies of Alberta & British Columbia

In this presentation, participants will learn about the key considerations in developing parenting plans, including the level of conflict between parents, the age and maturity of children, and the views and preferences of children.


17 Apr 2025

Building Resiliency in Today's Youth ***please register using the poster only***

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Presented by: Andrea Halwas, BA, MFA, PhD, REACE, Registered Expressive Arts Therapy Consultant, Associate Therapist & Educational Coordinator at Juno House

Brought to you by specialists in Girls' Mental Health

Before High School graduation, one-third of adolescent girls will experience depression, anxiety disorders, self-harm or an eating disorder. However, there is an incredible power in caregivers who can support our youth, both young women and men, before they seek therapy.

At Juno House®, we believe in the extraordinary healing power of parents, caregivers, coaches, and teachers. In our 1.5 hour workshop presentation, we will share steps and strategies from the Juno House Therapeutic Model® that will provide effective emotional coaching tools for today’s youth as they develop through adolescence and into young adulthood.

We believe that talking does not grow neurons; experience grows neurons. This workshop is designed to give caregivers the skills to become their child’s emotional coach. The workshop will provide participants with:
• Basic introduction of interpersonal neurobiology,
• Where emotions live in our brains,
• The essential role emotions play in mental well being,
• How to identify emotions in youth,
• How to become an emotional coach in only five steps.


30 Apr 2025

A Key to Preparing for the Move from Pediatric to Adult Services: Start Early ***please register using the poster only***

Noon - 1:30 PM

Presented by: Deb Thul, BSW, RSW
Well on Your Way: Helping Youth Transition to Adult Care – Program Coordinator, AHS

An introductory education session on what to expect as youth transfer from pediatric to adult services. Professionals and families of youth ages 14 and up will gain an understanding of how to prepare for the transition to adulthood, as well as what community, government, medical and online resources are available.


01 May 2025

Managing Anxiety in Children and Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDDs) ***please register using the poster only***

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM


Thomas Qiao, MSc, Research Coordinator, Department of Psychiatry, University of Calgary
Noah Furlani, MSc, Research Coordinator, Department of Psychiatry, University of Calgary
Dr. Kara Murias, MD PhD FRCPC, Pediatric Neurologist, Alberta Children’s Hospital;
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics and Clinical Neuroscience, University of Calgary

This presentation will:

• Identify the signs and symptoms of anxiety in children and adolescents with NDDs (e.g., AD/HD, ASD, Tics and
Tourette’s Disorders, Fragile X Syndrome).
• Examine the current evidence on pharmacological and psychosocial treatments for anxiety in individuals with NDDs.
• Present a new clinical trial study that examines the use of sertraline for treating anxiety disorders in children and
adolescents with NDDs.


05 May 2025

How Does Puberty Affect the Brain? ***please register using the poster only***

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Presenter: Jordan Chad, PhD, Postdoctoral Associate, University of Calgary

In this talk, we will learn about:
• Changes in thoughts and feelings that occur at puberty.
• How these changes are triggered in the brain.
• Implications of these changes on children's public and private behavior.


06 May 2025

Navigating Technology with our Youth ***please register using the poster only***

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Presented by:
Andrea Halwas, BA, MFA, PhD, REACE, Registered Expressive Arts Therapy Consultant, Associate Therapist & Educational Coordinator at Juno House

In this 1.5 hour presentation, we will discuss the role of technology and today’s youth. The message of this presentation is not only based on technology, but also about a child’s healthy brain development and the necessary parenting/caregiver role in creating healthy, emotional, regulated, and integrated brains. This presentation will address the underpinning of a child’s emotional brain development and how to grow it, as well as how technology can dangerously hijack this.

We believe that talking does not grow neurons; experience grows neurons. This workshop is designed to give attendees the skills to become their child’s emotional coach. The workshop will provide participants with:
• An understanding of the basic neuroscience behind healthy brain development,
• The dangers of technology for healthy brain development,
• Technology use rules that will help your child
• When building healthy brains, how to identify emotions in your child/student, and
• How to become your child’s/student’s emotional coach in only five steps and in that, build a resilient child.

The presentation is facilitated by a therapist from Juno House who has years of both clinical and facilitating experience. Juno House was founded in 2008 as a Centre of Excellence for adolescent girls and young women who are experiencing anxiety-based mental health issues of self harm, obsessive compulsive disorders, depression and eating disorders.


08 May 2025

Building knowledge and community for child and adolescent mental health research ***please register using the poster only***

Noon - 1:00 PM

Please come and Join:

Dr. Paul Arnold, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Dr. Susan Graham, PhD, RPsych
Dr. Signe Bray, PhD
Dr. Whitney Hindmarch, PhD
Dr. Chad Bousman, MPH, PhD
Dr. Kara Murias , MD, PhD, FRCPC
Stephanie Howe, MSc

Understanding mental health and how to best treat concerns starts with research. At the University of Calgary, Mental Health Research 4 Kids aims to improve knowledge and treatment of child and adolescent (0-18 years of age) mental health concerns. The program supports connecting researchers with young people and their families around mental health research. Our research studies are learning more about mental health and how the brain works, testing promising new therapies and treatment options, discovering links between mental health and genetics, and exploring access to Calgary mental health services. This 1-hour session will provide more information about the program, the importance of mental health research, some of our research studies, and how you can get involved.

For researchers
• Learn about the research infrastructure Mental Health Research 4 Kids offers and how we can support your work.
• Find out how you can get involved with Mental Health Research 4 Kids.

For youth and families
• Learn about the importance of mental health research to improve knowledge and treatment.
• Find out about some of the exciting child and adolescent mental health research studies happening with Mental Health
Research 4 Kids.
• Discover how to support and get involved with mental health research.


15 May 2025

Helping Youth With Their Future ***please register using the poster only***

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Presented by: Landon Burns, B.A, Youth Facilitator, Closer to Home Community Services

We will be discussing how to help refine a youth's views on the future and help them achieve their dreams/goals. We will also be discussing the importance of communication between adults and youth, as well as supports that exist for parents and youth.


22 May 2025

Digital Dilemma: The Impact of Screens, Social Media, and Gaming on Youth ***please register using the poster only***

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Presented by the Community Health Promotion Services Team, Recovery Alberta.

In today’s digital world, screens are everywhere—but what impact do they have on youth? This session will explore the effects of social media, video gaming, and screen time on key areas of life, including mental health, social connections, and overall well-being. We’ll discuss evidence-based insights on both the risks and benefits of digital engagement, as well as practical strategies for fostering a balanced approach. Join us for a meaningful conversation on how to support young people in developing healthy screen habits while strengthening real-world connections.


28 May 2025

Dyslexia Essentials ***please register using the poster only***

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Presented By:
Tanya Keto, Registered Psychologist
AVERY Family and School Psychology Services

This presentation is suited for both caregivers of children/youth and educators working with children/youth.

Occurring in an estimated 5-15% of the population, Dyslexia refers to individuals who have foundational and often extreme difficulties with reading, spelling, and writing. These difficulties span academic settings and grades and can impact reading comprehension, the development of vocabulary, and the ability to spell and communicate in writing. Educators and caregivers play a critical role in the trajectory and outcomes of students with Dyslexia, and there is so much we can do to help these kids and alter their trajectories.

In this session we will discuss:
• Red flags
• Diagnosis, statistics, and developmental trajectory of students with Dyslexia.
• Cognitive processes involved in reading.
• Evidence-based Tier 2 and 3 interventions.
