CES Sessions
All sessions are offered at no cost.

18 Feb 2025

Insight and Guidance for Navigating Mental Health Support ***please register using the poster only***

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Dr. Anita Ewan, PhD, RECE, CD, CBE, is pleased to offer a specialized workshop designed to support parents navigating the mental health system for their children.

With over 15 years of experience working with children and families, as well as the perspective of a mother of seven, Dr. Ewan combines professional expertise with personal dedication to helping families access compassionate, effective care.

This workshop is crafted to give parents the confidence, knowledge, and tools they need to support their children’s mental health, ensure their voices are heard, maintain autonomy, and advocate for a brighter future. The sessions aim to provide parents with accessible, sustainable, and effective advocacy skills. Dr. Ewan’s hope is that each participant will leave with a greater sense of self-efficacy and a supportive community.


24 Feb 2025

Managing Challenging Behaviours ***please register using the poster only***

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Presented by: Kayla Yuzdepski, a Family Champion Facilitator at the YW Family Resource Network

Everyone has intense emotions, the trick is being able to navigate them.
Through this presentation you will learn about the crisis cycle and how to intervene at a different moment to reduce the risk of an intense emotional outburst. You can use these strategies with anyone in your life, despite their age.


27 Feb 2025

Not falling through the cracks :​ How psychoeducational assessments can help​ foster success! ***please register using the poster only***

Noon - 1:30 PM

Presented by:
Caitlin Schneider (M.Sc.), and Karen Wagner (M.Ed.), Registered Psychologists

Does your child struggle in a mainstream classroom? Are you concerned that your child may be anxious, overwhelmed or inattentive at school? Does your child struggle to understand new academic concepts or lessons? Do you think your child needs extra support to achieve academic or social success? If you can relate to any of these questions, please join the presenters to explore when a psychoeducational assessment may be warranted for your child. Within the current session, presenters will provide parents and supports with an overview of how psychoeducational assessments can be helpful in identifying a child’s strengths, areas of difficulty, and learning style, as well as help caregivers learn how to advocate through the educational system and community supports to foster growth and success.


03 Mar 2025

Navigating Technology with our Youth ***please register using the poster only***

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Presented by: Andrea Halwas Larsen, in partnership with Juno House

In this 1.5 hour presentation, we will discuss the role of technology and today’s youth. The message of this presentation is not only based on technology, but also about a child’s healthy brain development and the necessary parenting/caregiver role in creating healthy, emotional, regulated, and integrated brains. This presentation will address the underpinning of a child’s emotional brain development and how to grow it, as well as how technology can dangerously hijack this.

We believe that talking does not grow neurons; experience grows neurons. This workshop is designed to give attendees the skills to become their child’s emotional coach. The workshop will provide participants with:
• An understanding of the basic neuroscience behind healthy brain development,
• The dangers of technology for healthy brain development,
• Technology use rules that will help your child
• When building healthy brains, how to identify emotions in your child/student, and
• How to become your child’s/student’s emotional coach in only five steps and in that, build a resilient child.

The presentation is facilitated by a therapist from Juno House who has years of both clinical and facilitating experience. Juno House was founded in 2008 as a Centre of Excellence for adolescent girls and young women who are experiencing anxiety-based mental health issues of self harm, obsessive compulsive disorders, depression and eating disorders.


05 Mar 2025

Dyslexia Essentials ***please register using the poster only***

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Presented By:
Tanya Keto, Registered Psychologist

This presentation is suited for both caregivers of children/youth and educators working with children/youth.

Occurring in an estimated 5-15% of the population, Dyslexia refers to individuals who have foundational and often extreme difficulties with reading, spelling, and writing. These difficulties span academic settings and grades and can impact reading comprehension, the development of vocabulary, and the ability to spell and communicate in writing. Educators and caregivers play a critical role in the trajectory and outcomes of students with Dyslexia, and there is so much we can do to help these kids and alter their trajectories.

In this session we will discuss:
• Red flags
• Diagnosis, statistics, and developmental trajectory of students with Dyslexia.
• Cognitive processes involved in reading.
• Evidence-based Tier 2 and 3 interventions.


10 Mar 2025

Supporting Children Through Grief and Loss ***please register using the poster only***

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Presented by:
Rhonda Anderson B.Ed and Sydney Sommers B.Ed, BSPH, BN
MHCB, Recovery Alberta & Rocky View Schools

To watch a child, grieve and not know what to do is a profoundly challenging experience for parents and caregivers. Many life experiences may generate feelings of grief in a child, from the death of a relative or a divorce in the family to more everyday experiences such as moving, losing a prized possession, and shared experiences throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

This session aims to support caregivers in addressing cultural norms which limit the expression of negative emotions and empower healthy, effective interventions to support their child’s experience of grief and loss.
We will explore guidelines for supporting children in developing lifelong, healthy responses to loss and how caregivers can help them through tough times.


13 Mar 2025

Cyber Safety ***please register using the poster only***

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Presenter: Adriana Dewar, B.A., M.A., Community Outreach Coordinator, YouthLink Calgary Police Interpretive Centre

Are you and your family cyber-safe?

In today's interconnected world, the internet and social media have revolutionized the way we connect and learn. However, with limited oversight, these digital realms also pose potential risks such as privacy breaches, cyberbullying, sextortion, and criminal activities.

YouthLink Calgary presents an essential program designed to empower parents and guardians with the tools needed to ensure your family's online safety.


17 Mar 2025

Managing Transitions ***please register using the poster only***

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Presented by: Kayla Yuzdepski, a Family Champion Facilitator at the YW Family Resource Network

We are faced with many transitions throughout the day. These transitions can pose many challenges; how do we get children to move from watching tv to eating dinner, or how do we make leaving the house smoother?

In this presentation you will learn practical strategies, gain valuable insights, and strengthen family bonds as we embrace transitions together.


18 Mar 2025

Substance Use & Youth: Trends, Risks & Offering Support ***please register using the poster only***

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Presented by the Community Health Promotion Services Team of Recovery Alberta.

As youth grow and explore new experiences, they may encounter substances such as alcohol and cannabis. With developing minds and bodies, substance use can have lasting effects on physical and mental health. Open and honest conversations play a crucial role in helping young people make informed decisions. This session will equip parents, caregivers, and mentors with practical tools and resources to engage in meaningful discussions about substance use. Join us to learn how to foster trust, provide guidance, and support youth in making healthier choices.


26 Mar 2025

Peer Abuse ***please register using the poster only***

10:30 AM - Noon

Presented by: Sandi Pineda-Selva, Manager of Prevention with Luna Child and Youth Advocacy Centre

This session will examine peer sexual abuse, focusing on harmful sexual behaviors occurring between children or youth of similar ages or developmental stages. The discussion will focus on strategies for prevention, emphasizing the role of consent, comprehensive sexual health education, and tailored approaches to supporting neurodiverse youth. Participants will gain valuable insights into addressing these behaviors in ways that foster safety, respect, and understanding among young people.


01 Apr 2025

Help! My Child is Struggling How to Navigate Children’s Mental Health in Calgary and Surrounding Areas ***please register using the poster only***

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Presented by: Elise Valeriote MSW, RSW, Access Mental Health, Alberta Health Services

This presentation will discuss:

• Early warning signs your child and or adolescent may be struggling with their mental health and when to seek help.
• Common questions parents have about accessing mental health and addiction supports for their child.
• Access Mental Health and their centralized intake to AHS and Recovery Alberta programs. What to expect when calling for help and how to access services.
• Different programs Access Mental Health can refer to and the most common community resources parents can find helpful.


02 Apr 2025

Navigating the Pressure to Perform: Exploring the Benefits of Well-being Centered Identity Development for Children and Teens

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Shelbi Snodgrass | MC, RCC, CCC, CMPC | Registered Clinical Counsellor | Snodgrass & Duff Performance Consulting and Counselling Inc.

The pressure to perform is increasingly impacting children and teen’s ability to cope and negatively impacts their confidence and sense of self. From navigating school pressures, after school curricular activities, and an ever-evolving political climate, the need for well-being focused values is more critical than ever.

In this workshop, you will explore the multidimensional facets of pressure children and teens face to perform and the profound impacts on friendships, goals for the future, and coping skills. By attending this workshop, you will gain a deeper understanding of the dimensions of well-being and skills to engage in critical self-reflection around environments, language, and behaviours that influence identity development. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of the importance of safe and accountable environments that contribute to healthy identity development.

Learning Objectives
• Understanding the pressure to perform influencing children and teens
• Identify vulnerabilities to and indicators of low confidence and self-esteem
• Reflect on the language, behaviours, and environments that help or hinder healthy identify development
• Explore and Identify dimensions of well-being and their benefits to identify development and confidence across different
environments and contexts


09 Apr 2025

Vaping & Youth ***please register using the poster only***

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Presented by the Community Health Promotion Services Team, Recovery Alberta.

Vaping among youth is on the rise across Canada, raising concerns for parents, educators, and communities. This session will explore the most commonly used vaping devices, the substances involved—such as nicotine and cannabis—and the potential health risks associated with e-cigarette use. We’ll also discuss practical strategies for engaging in open and effective conversations with young people about vaping. Join us to gain the knowledge and tools needed to support informed decision-making and promote healthier choices among youth.


10 Apr 2025

Headache in kids and teens: causes, treatment approach, and the relationship to mental health ***please register using the poster only***

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Presented by: Serena L. Orr, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Pediatric neurologist & headache specialist, Alberta Children's Hospital
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Calgary
Principal investigator, Pediatric Headache Research Lab (PeHRL: https://www.pehrl.ca/)


1. Review types of headaches in youth and how common they are
2. Review how we approach treating headaches in youth
3. Review the relationship between headaches in youth and mental health


22 May 2025

Digital Dilemma: The Impact of Screens, Social Media, and Gaming on Youth ***please register using the poster only***

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Presented by the Community Health Promotion Services Team, Recovery Alberta.

In today’s digital world, screens are everywhere—but what impact do they have on youth? This session will explore the effects of social media, video gaming, and screen time on key areas of life, including mental health, social connections, and overall well-being. We’ll discuss evidence-based insights on both the risks and benefits of digital engagement, as well as practical strategies for fostering a balanced approach. Join us for a meaningful conversation on how to support young people in developing healthy screen habits while strengthening real-world connections.
